January 5, 2020 – Tynetta Howard has an ambitious goal. She and her team work hard to help children become the positive people they want to be and their families to believe in themselves and what they can become. Through her work at Howard’s Healthy Choices of Trenton, New Jersey, she is achieving that goal, one student and family at a time. Digitunity is proud to help.
Howard’s Healthy Choices has a mission to redirect, heal, educate, and empower children and families, demonstrated through healthy eating, positive social interaction, mastery of age appropriate life skills, and community accountability.
Its after-school programming is conducted to produce healthier educated children with knowledge of self-worth, respect, responsibility, accountability, confidence, and maturity. Programs are offered across a wide range of topic areas, such as life skills, health education, counseling, academic mentoring, career exploration, and development.
In support of after-school programming, Howard’s Healthy Choices is a partner institution within the Digitunity’s Digital Opportunity Network. The Network is made up of over 1,500 pre-screened nonprofit organizations, schools, and government agencies providing educational opportunities to particularly underserved communities, such as those with disabilities, at-risk students, and the economically disadvantaged.
As a Digitunity Network partner, Howard’s Healthy Choices is able to receive donations of used computer equipment made possible through Digitunity’s technology donation platform and its network of nonprofit computer refurbishers. Working closely with the Trenton School District, Howard’s after-school program offers important support for Trenton families in need.
One of these programs is to make sure they have access to computers and training in their use. Howard feels strongly that her organization’s goal is not only to help the children and their families, but also meet the needs of the community at large. Howard’s Healthy Choices accepts students from eight years of age through high school.
Located in the New York-New Jersey metro area, Electronic Access Foundation is one of nearly 100 nonprofit refurbishers that make up the Alliance for Technology Refurbishing and Reuse (AFTRR), a program of Digitunity. EAF recently provided a sizeable donation of used computers in support of Howard’s Healthy Choices work. The computers were taken out of use in a corporate setting, refurbished by the EAF team, and now provide an incredible opportunity for after-school program participants.
Organizations seeking technology donations can learn more by visiting Digitunity’s “Receive Equipment” page. Donors wishing to make a tangible impact in the lives of individuals in need can learn more by visiting the Digitunity’s “Donate Equipment” page. Digitunity’s is a nonprofit with a mission to close the digital divide so that people in need can participate fully in a digitally connected world.
About Howard’s Healthy Choices
Children and families live a healthy lifestyle promotes optimal life functioning in harmony with social, emotional, physical, and financial well-being.
To create a service milieu that uses a healthy choice platform to redirect, heal, educate, and empower children and families, demonstrated through healthy eating, positive social interaction, mastery of age appropriate life skills, and community accountability.
Core Values
We value one’s right to make choices. We assume the role of creating a collaborative environment that promotes health and well-being through the support of open-minded service providers. Hence, we champion change in participants we serve and create inroads to greatness, by way of the expansion of one’s imagination and access.
We see engagement as an opportunity to teach and learn and as a bridge to building and healing relationships. Howard’s Healthy Choices, Inc., capitalizes on opportunities to promote self-disciplined so those we serve can become self-sufficient. To learn more, visit https://www.howardshealthychoices.org.