Owning a computer is the thing that unlocks all that the internet can offer. They are absolutely essential for people to thrive in the modern economy. Yet 36 million people in the United States don’t have a computer at home, and that’s our area of focus. We believe everyone who needs a computer should have one, and that device ownership is the heart of digital equity.
A tax exempt public charity, Digitunity was established in 2021 as a spin-off entity from its predecessor organization, the National Cristina Foundation (NCF), and assumed the Foundation’s operations in January 2022.
Digitunity, and its predecessor organization NCF, has worked in the digital inclusion space since the 1980s, connecting donors of technology with organizations serving marginalized individuals in need. Hundreds of thousands of people have benefitted since the effort’s inception. Today, we lead a national strategy to eliminate the technology gap at scale.
As we work to fulfill our ambitious mission, create national-scale impact, drive widespread public awareness, and include the support of an ever-increasing community of supporters, we invite you to join us on this journey, as we continue to evolve to meet the challenge of this important work.
Digitunity is registered with the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity and financial contributions made to Digitunity may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Goods or services provided in exchange for a contribution are not eligible for tax credits. Consult your tax advisor for further guidance on eligibility requirements. EIN# 86-3935645.